Kangaroo Island - Seals - There is a story to the picture of the lone seal. They get up out of the water at night if its a cold night and get really high up the shoreline even though they have to waddle to do so and it must take alot of energy. But some seals are not morning people and they hate crowds of tourists and this female on the right was in a foul mood exaserbated because her descent to the water was not lady-like and she needed a caffeine fix. Unfortunately for a poor little pup who was not bothering her whatsoever, the pup was in her way as she ungainly made her way to the sea. Well the adult female took out all her rage on the pup who was without a mother out hunting for food in the sea. And the lone female bit into the pup and made it scream. All the tourists scolded the lone female and waited for blood to come gushing out of the pup but it looked okay. The pup waddled out of the way and no more drama occured. Some tourists still got really close to the seals after that but I was giving them alot of respect. I like it best when the seals are sunning themselves in pools of water on the ocean rocks. They look the most relaxed and in their element.
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